The largest industries in Logan in terms of contribution to Gross Regional Product (value added) are health care and social assistance, construction, manufacturing, retail trade, education and training, and wholesale trade.
Some of these, particularly health and retail trade, are strongly linked to the growth and profile of the region's population. Construction is related to population growth, but Logan’s construction firms also service the wider region. Manufacturing is the traditional strength of the city.
Emerging industries in Logan include the care economy, advanced manufacturing, the circular and low-carbon economy, tourism, and creative and entertainment industries.
Logan has emerging expertise in circular economy and low-carbon thinking.
Substation 33, Lendlease’s Yarrabilba development, a focus on waste and recycling in some of Logan’s high schools and the large manufacturing and logistics sectors can be built upon to develop new ideas and ways of living with a circular and low-carbon economy front of mind.
Logan: Brokers ( ... selection only)
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Logan City, Logan
07 3826 1533
Brisbane, Logan
07 3829 8999
Brisbane, Logan
07 3412 3412
1300 552 914
07 3382 6321
Logan City, Logan
07 3412 5626
Brisbane, Logan
07 3412 4888
Logan City, Logan
1300 322 666
Logan: Businesses ( ... selection only)
View ALL Logan businesses
07 3807 8666
1300 552 914
07 3209 9100
0438 330 160
1300 452 637
07 3805 0200
07 5500 6681