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4 Hearts Brewing Co

Beer, Pale Ale, Stout. “The best beer is the beer consumed in the shadow of the brewery where it was made”
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Screen-Shot-2023-04-29-at-125825-pm4 Hearts Brewing in its current form was started by the chance conversation in 2013 between James Long and Jason McNamara a certifiable craft beer tragic in search of a another drinking haunt. 

This conversation sparked the idea of a micro-brewery; enter Wade Curtis, an Ipswich local amateur brewer with a fledgling brewing company called 4 Hearts Brewing. The deal was sealed and James became the major shareholder of 4 Hearts brewing and Pumpyard was born.

Wade became the head brewer and James the designer and builder of the new 4 Hearts precinct. The result is a brewery where patrons can enjoy their beers whilst close enough to touch the beer tanks. 

After 2 successful years Wade left 4 Hearts to pursue his other passion of Marketing in the private sector; Ken Friend a classically German trained brewer took over as the new Head Brewer and Dovetail & Lord Lamington Suite were added to the brand.

“The future is to expose more food and beer lovers to the best that Ipswich has to offer”

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