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High-performing waste and recycling systems which see materials recovered, reused and recycled can and do reduce this impact. The creation of a circular economy has the potential to harness the economic value of these materials that would otherwise be lost.

A circular economy means transitioning from the current take-make-use and dispose system to a material efficiency approach which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value for as long as possible.

Western Australians are consciously reusing, reprocessing, recycling and avoiding waste at an increasing rate. We are generating less waste and recycling more. However, to protect our unique environment from the impacts of waste and litter, and to maximise the benefits of good waste management, more work needs to be done.

Plantation Energy Australia (PEA) is a densified biomass fuel pellet manufacturing company in Albany. The pellets are made from non-commercial timber and harvest residues from sustainably managed plantations. PEA expect to export up to 250 000 tonnes of pellets per year through the port.

Composting or having a worm farm at home is an inexpensive and natural way to reduce your waste and benefit your garden! You can recycle your vegetable scraps, fallen leaves, lawn clippings and other kitchen and garden waste into a fantastic organic material to improve your garden soil.
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