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Coral reefs are dying all over the world, 50% of the Great Barrier reef is dead, and the remainder is under serious stress. 90% of the coral in the Caribbean is dead along with most of the fish. The fish breading grounds in Mangrove swamps are polluted by Sargassum carrying Arsenic and Heavy metals.
More than 25% of all fish and marine life depend upon coral, mangroves and wetlands as a nursery ground. More than 50% around the world are dead, in 25 years that will be 95%. This is not climate change, its pollution. We might be carbon neutral but humanity is finished without marine life, we cannot survive, or at least 90% of us will not survive.
Why do we just have 25 years before the oceans are destroyed. Oceanic pH was 8.2, during 1940's, it is now 8.03. Carbonate such as magnesium calcite and aragonite start to dissolve at pH 8.04 and in 25 years (data from IPCC) it will be 7.95 and most carbonate based marine life including coral reefs are gone. We have already passed the tipping point, in 25 years +/- 5 years we are at the end point

We need to stop pollution from all its sources in order to protect Nature and to allow Nature to regenerate.

The Mission of GOES is to stop pollution from water entering the world's Oceans, and to provide appropriate solutions.

More than 80% of the world has no wastewater treatment. In Europe, North America and other high-income countries, the wastewater is biologically treated, but there is no tertiary treatment to remove microplastics and toxic for ever chemicals. Then the sludge is dumped on farm land or landfill sites, so effectively there is no treatment, just diffuse pollution.

1. The solution is simple, regenerate Nature on Land and Marine life in the Oceans.
How do we regenerate nature?
2. Stop habitat destruction, burning trees, destructive fish, clearance of seagrass, mangroves, wetlands, marsh lands……..
3. Stop the pollution of water, soil and atmosphere with toxic for ever chemicals, especially lyophilic chemicals such as molecular plastic, PCBs, PBDE, Oxybenzone, pesticides, herbicides and 15,000 other chemicals.
4. We must prevent toxic substances entering the environment, such as plastic, and black carbon soot from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, and bunker fuel oil.
5. Carbon mitigation is important, it will not stop climate change, but it will buy us time to regenerate nature.
6. Regenerative agriculture must be practiced
How do we stop pollution?
7. 80% of the world has no municipal wastewater treatment. Install aeration ditches or extended diffused aeration system with at least 10-day residence time. These systems can be constructed by local communities and are 1/50th to 1/100th of the cost of standard water treatment, and are far superior.
8. Less than 10% of municipal wastewater treatment in high income countries is fitted with tertiary treatment to remove, plastic and toxic chemicals. This needs to be rectified. Water treatment systems should do no harm to the environment
9. The shipping industry must use clean fuel and fit scrubbers that remove the carbon, PAHS and heavy metals without dumping them into the ocean or atmosphere.
10. Stop fast fashion and toxic clothes
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