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  Tuesday, 26 September 2023
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  18 Visits
🔌 Electrify Everything: Shift all energy services to electricity, from transportation and industry to agriculture. Embrace electric ground transport and shorter-haul aviation and maritime shipping. Say goodbye to gas appliances.
🗺 Overbuild Renewable Generation: Invest heavily in wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy sources.
🌐 Build Continent-Scale Electrical Grids: Upgrade existing grids and establish high-voltage direct current transmission lines for efficient, long-distance energy transport.
🔋 Invest in Energy Storage: While overbuilding renewables reduces the need for storage, it's still essential. Explore closed-loop pumped hydro, lithium-ion batteries, and redox flow batteries.
🌲 Plant a Trillion Trees: Counter deforestation by planting a massive number of trees.
🚜 Revamp Agricultural Practices: Adopt low-tillage farming, embrace precision agriculture, and enhance agrigenetics to reduce the carbon footprint of farming.
🏗 Fix Concrete, Steel, and Industrial Processes: Reduce CO2 emissions from cement production, transition to electric minimills for steel, and revolutionize high-emitting industrial processes.
💰 Price Carbon Aggressively: Drive emissions down by making carbon emissions costly. Carbon pricing encourages individuals and industries to seek low-carbon alternatives.
🔐 Shut Down Coal and Gas Generation: Regulate and phase out coal plants, and minimize gas plant usage while exploring biologically sourced methane.
🏧 End Fossil Fuel Financing and Subsidies: Stop funding fossil fuel exploration, extraction, and use. Redirect resources towards cleaning up environmental damage.
❄ Eliminate HFCs in Refrigeration: Replace high global warming potential refrigerants with more eco-friendly options.
☢ Ignore Distractions: Focus on proven solutions like renewables, and don't be diverted by slow-building technologies like nuclear, carbon capture, or inefficient hydrogen.
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