Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
The Electricity, Gas, Water and Waster sector is made up of electricity generation and supply, coal, fuel, LPG and natural gas distribution, dams, desalination plants and water supply, sewage pumping and treatment plants and storm water drainage, hazardous waste, industrial waste treatment and recovery, and garbage collection.
The sector includes 8,497 businesses and employs 134,368 people.
The Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste sector is a small employing industry. Employment fell over the past five years, with the majority of losses in the electricity supply sector. New technology offers a mixture of threat and opportunity to jobs in the sector.

Technology has application at all stages of generation, supply and infrastructure maintenance. Drones allow cost effective infrastructure inspection. AR and VR provide new perspectives on project development whilst still at the design stage. VR can be used to improve health and safety in operational environments by simulating emergency experiences such as chemical spills and fires.
Smart metering and sensors allow the integration of new generation options – wind, solar, pumped hydro, tidal, and battery storage etc into the existing system. And AI will then help the system to operate at optimum efficiency.
Sensors in appliances and devices in houses, offices and factories will allow AI to anticipate behaviour and control energy use for optimum consumption, balancing supply and demand in large scale energy grid systems.
Technology delivers similar value for water with pump station management and control systems. Integrating waste treatment and recovery into sustainable energy generation and water management is a new opportunity.
Cybersecurity becomes increasingly important once critical energy and water supply infrastructure is networked and connected.
Employment: 134,368
Organisations: 8,497
Avg Salary:

Electricity Supply
Gas Services
Waste Collection
Waste Treatment & Recovery
Water, Sewerage & Drainage Services
Electricity Supply
Activities: Electicity generation,Transmission and Distribution-
Drones, Blockchain, BIM, IoT, AI, 5G, VR, Solar, Wind, Pumped Hydro -
Other issues
Automation, Cybersecurity
People Power: Communities funding their own wind and solar projects, Regional communities are leading the way when it comes to the supply of fair-priced, sustainable, reliable electricity – by funding their own wind and solar projects. Around 70 community energy projects have started up around the country in the seven years.Transmission Line Electrician RobotArtificial Intelligence (AI)
MaxusAI Interview with Founder & CEO Glenn NeuberAugmented & Virtual Reality
XR - The Merging of Augmented Reality -
Gas Services
Activities: Coal gas, Fuel gas, LPG, Natural gas,-
Drones, Blockchain, BIM, IoT, AI, 5G, VR -
Live Gas Main Inspection - Pre-Rehabilitation SurveyAugmented & Virtual Reality
XR - The Merging of Augmented Reality -
Waste Collection
Activities: Bin hire, Garbage collection, Portable toilet, Solid waste, Hazardous waste, Industrial waste, Oil collection, Septic tank-
Drones, Blockchain, Robots, 5G -
Other issues
Waste Treatment & Recovery
Activities: Operating landfills, Garbage disposal, Waste treatment, Asbestos removal, Materials recovery, Mine reclamation-
Drones, Blockchain, Robots, 5G -
Other issues
Robot Sorting Cartons in AustraliaAI robots are recycling rubbish faster and better -
Water, Sewerage & Drainage Services
Activities: Dam, Desalination plant, Water supply, Sewage pumping, Treatment plant, Stormwater drainage-
Drones, Blockchain, BIM, IoT, AI, 5G, VR -
Other issues
Automation, Climate change
Sewer Robotics EquipmentArtificial Intelligence (AI)
Lake Mead Operation and Inspection VideoMeet VAPAR, one of our Innovation Lab success storiesAugmented & Virtual Reality
XR - The Merging of Augmented Reality -
Data courtesy
Skills options

Australian Apprenticeships
australianapprenticeships.gov.au provides information on apprenticeships and traineeships, including factsheets and links.

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
qilt.edu.au provides information about Australian universities, including study experiences and employment outcomes.

myskills.gov.au is an online database of Vocational Education and Training options, including information about providers, courses, outcomes and fees.

training.gov.au for information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and Registered Training Organisations.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research
ncver.edu.au provides research and statistics about Vocational Education and Training and the links between education and the labour market.

myfuture.edu.au is an online career exploration service which includes information on a range of career-related topics.