Education and Training
Education and Training is made up of schools, universities, tutoring, coaching, apprenticeship and business training.
The sector is made up of 40,212 organisations and employs 1,061,320 people.
Education and Training is a large and fast growing industry. A significant proportion of workers are female and part time work is common.

Technology has steadily moved into education facilities of all kinds with robots, computers, electronic whiteboards, video, audio and learning management systems used to support and extend traditional teaching activity.
VR, AR, AI and robots increasingly have a place in the classroom, often as support tools in the teaching of STEM subjects.
Blockchain can be used to validate and authenticate qualifications and certifications within countries and between different education systems.
AI managed, online learning systems will be customised to match the lifelong learning needs of individuals in navigating the new disrupted world of work and jobs.
Google makes information search simple, and smart phones and social media make access to content and answers ubiquitous. So plagiarism is a current threat to educational qualifications, with impacts on authenticity, validation and certification.
One of the biggest challenges for education is curriculum relevance in response to the speed of change in the world of work and jobs. Curriculum change takes a long time, but the speed of workplace change, with its new skills and attitudinal demands is fast.
And as qualifications and certifications can now be gained from institutions across the world, this creates a new level of competition for relevance in universities and high schools, especially when fees for private school, university and RTO education stimulates a new interest in measuring the value of return on investment.
Employment: 1,061,320
Organisations: 40,212
Avg Salary:

Adult, Community & Other Education
Education Support
Sport & Physical Instruction
Preschool Education
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Special School Education
Higher Education
Technical & Further Education
Adult, Community & Other Education
Activities: Tutoring, Study skill, Career development, U3A etc-
VR, AI -
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Future examples of AI in Adult Education -
Education Support
Activities: Curriculum Development, Test and exam service-
VR, AR, AI -
Other issues
Curriculum relevance
Sport & Physical Instruction
Activities: Cricket coaching, Sports coaching, Ski instruction etc-
AI, 5G, AR -
The Future of Football Training Inside the RoboticAugmented & Virtual Reality
XR - The Merging of Augmented Reality -
Preschool Education
Activities: Kindergarten, Playcentre, Pre-school-
AI -
Robots For Early Childhood Education -
Primary Education
Activities: Primary school, Boarding school,-
AR -
Other issues
Curriculum, Early start, Play
Why Robotics - Baringa State Primary School -
Secondary Education
Activities: Secondary college, Secondary school, High school-
AI, AR, VR, Robots -
Other issues
Why Coding, Robotics, And STEM?AARAS High School Engineering Program students testing their FTC robotArtificial Intelligence (AI)
AI in EducationAi In Education: Getting it Right!Augmented & Virtual Reality
XR - The Merging of Augmented Reality -
Special School Education
Activities: Special school for disabilities and special needs-
Robots -
Other issues
Funding, NDIS
Zora can be used into hospitality care or even at schools. -
Higher Education
Activities: University, College, Teachers college-
VR, AR, AI -
Other issues
Open source training courses, Freeware, PAYG
Robotic Service keeping RMIT University's production on scheduleTour of the Australian Centre for Field RoboticsArtificial Intelligence (AI)
AI in EducationAugmented & Virtual Reality
Augmented reality at Architecture & Design -
Technical & Further Education
Activities: Apprenticeship training, VET, Business college, TAFE, Arts Education-
VR, AR, AI -
Other issues
Technology disruption, Continual professional development, Business intelligence
Robotic Service keeping RMIT University's production on scheduleArtificial Intelligence (AI)
AI in EducationAugmented & Virtual Reality
XR - The Merging of Augmented Reality -
Data courtesy
Skills options

Australian Apprenticeships provides information on apprenticeships and traineeships, including factsheets and links.

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching provides information about Australian universities, including study experiences and employment outcomes.

MYSKILLS is an online database of Vocational Education and Training options, including information about providers, courses, outcomes and fees. for information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and Registered Training Organisations.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research provides research and statistics about Vocational Education and Training and the links between education and the labour market.

myfuture is an online career exploration service which includes information on a range of career-related topics.