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NSW tertiary & vocational education providers

New South Wales TAFE institutions

Other New South Wales providers

Region Secondary Schools & Colleges

Commonwealth sites and assistance

Workforce Australia Workforce Australia is a place Australians can search and apply for jobs or find more information on their pathway to employment.The website also provides employers and business users a place ( to find candidates, advertise job vacancies, promote their business, find support and more.

Job Outlook can help you make decisions about study and training, getting your first job, or the next step in your career. It provides information about Australian careers, labour market trends and employment projections. This website provides more detailed statistical information for the occupations included in the Australian Jobs Occupation Matrix.

Job Jumpstart website is a one-stop-shop for practical, independent and free employment planning advice.

Skills options

Australian Apprenticeships provides information on apprenticeships and traineeships, including factsheets and links.

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching  provides information about Australian universities, including study experiences and employment outcomes.

Your Career

The Your Career website is an Australian Government website and designed to help people of all ages and circumstances better plan and manage their career. It is the Australian Government’s single point of accurate and trusted VET information.  for information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and Registered Training Organisations.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research  provides research and statistics about Vocational Education and Training and the links between education and the labour market.

myfuture is an online career exploration service which includes information on a range of career-related topics.