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Can mining waste become a new resource?
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Are you struggling with mine tailings management? The storage, disposal and reprocessing of tailings and mine waste can be a significant challenge...
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The Australian minerals industry recognises that access to land is based on an ability to show responsible land stewardship throughout the mining...
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Anglo American has been progressively rehabilitating its Dawson coal mine in Central Queensland since 2012.
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Following the closure of Alcoa’s Anglesea Power Station and Mine, work is progressing to rehabilitate the mine
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The mining industry today faces a number of challenges that are driving its shift towards greater efficiency and sustainability.
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Around Australia new mining operations are being established and old sites, shuttered decades ago, are being brought back to life.
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Mineral resources are finite, making the eventual closure of a mining operation inevitable. Leaving a community with a sustainably rehabilitated...
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The mining industry is undergoing consistent changes and facing new challenges that need solutions.
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ARENA is supporting a feasibility study into the construction of pumped storage hydroelectricity.
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A new generation of pumped hydro plants will play an important role in Australias future energy mix.
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