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Someone came up with the idea to build the world’s largest solar array in the Australian outback and then connect it to Singapore
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As more wind and solar power comes onto the grid, batteries will be needed to store energy. Existing technology can be at risk of catching fire.
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The FT's Australia correspondent Jamie Smyth visits Snowy Hydro, site of a $5bn project doubling the country's hydroelectric capacity ...
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The world is rushing towards wind power. So much so the world set a new record in new wind power installations, adding 93 ...
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Australia has the highest uptake of solar globally, with more than 21% of homes with rooftop solar PV. And yet ...
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Hydrogen is a clean-burning molecule, meaning that it can help to decarbonize a range of sectors that have proved hard to clean up in the past. But ..
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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
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Hello World’s Ashlee Vance paid a recent visit to Iceland’s capital city of Reykjavik to see the next part of the green energy story.
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Australia is moving closer to becoming a global leader in ocean energy, with a tidal turbine in Queensland pumping electricity into the grid,...
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Green energy is taking off. 11 new solar farms and wind farms in the Darling Downs,...
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Our diverse team - hailing from F1, aerospace + more - have spent the last 16 years engineering the greenest car on the road, the hydrogen-powered...
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These are ten most promising alternative energy sources of tomorrow...
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